Talk:John H. Marrs

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Facts from Name: John Henry Marrs Spouse Lucy Arabella Stoddard Father George Marrs Mother Margaret Barwick Children Josephine W Birth 4 Jun 1846 New York, New York, USA Death 28 Apr 1932 Fact: 1880 Census says he was a traveling salesman Fact: 1880 Census shows he had 6 children as of that time Fact: 1920 Federal Census shows both his parents were from Ireland

Facts: Obituary:

From the Boston Globe: CONCORD, Mass., May 1, 1932 — The funeral of John H. Marrs, long a resident of West Concord, and for more than half a century in the wholesale hat business, was held this afternoon in the West Concord Union Church, with full Masonic rites.

Following the church service, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Alfred Wheeler Stone, a Masonic service was held by Corinthian Lodge, A. F. and A. M., of this town, of which Mr. Marrs was past master, with Robert F. Charles of South Acton, worshipful master. Rev. Mr. Stone, chaplain of the lodge, officiated.

Burial with Masonic committal service was at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, this town. Members of Walden Arch Chapter of this town, of which Mr. Marrs was a past high priest, attended the funeral.

Here is the text extracted from the image you provided:

Newspaper Article - Boston Globe

    • LODGE 105 YEARS OLD**
    • Corinthian Lodge, A. F. and A. M., of Concord, Holds Anniversary.**

CONCORD, Mass., June 16. 1902 — The 105th anniversary of Corinthian Lodge, A. F. and A. M., was celebrated this evening in an appropriate manner.

John H. Marrs, W.M., was in charge of the program, which was successfully carried out. In the afternoon the grand officers arrived in town and were shown the points of historical interest, and later given a lunch at the Colonial House.

At 7, the lodge was opened in due form, followed by the regular business. A reception to the grand officers followed, and the Master Mason's degree was worked on one candidate.

The lodge then adjourned to the banquet hall where a collation was served. John H. Marrs, W.M., acted as toastmaster.

Many guests attended from neighboring lodges, and the following grand officers spoke: Charles T. Gallagher, MWGM, Boston; RW Charles M. Greene, DGM, Boston; RW Albert A. Folsom, PDGM, Brookline; Samuel F. Hubbard, MEGHP, Boston; RW W. H. H. Soule, Boston; W. Harry Hunt, Melrose; RE Warren P. Dudley, Belmont; RW Abraham G. Hart, Fall River; RW Edward J. Sartelle, Worcester; RW Charles H. Ramsey, Boston; George W. Spaulding, Boston; W. Oliver A. Roberts, Melrose; and RW Charles S. Hart, DDGM, 11th Masonic district.

Corinthian Lodge was instituted June 16, 1797, and the charter, which was on exhibition during the evening, was signed by Paul Revere, grand master of Massachusetts at that time.

The present officers of the lodge are John H. Marrs W.M., George M. Bowker SW, Robert W. Browning JW, Horatio S. Richardson treas., W. Joseph A. Dakin sec., W. George H. Hopkins chaplain, William N. Decker marshal, Franklin C. Farley SD, Woodford E. Coy JD, Benjamin Derby Jr SS, Joseph S. Hart JS, Charles H. Towle organist, Winslow Russell IS, Harry A. Douglass T.


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